Thursday, October 1, 2009

ETW..Up Till Now!

Today was our first class day in October! We're already into our second month in the Exploring The Web class of the Fall 2009 semester! It was our second day of learning about creating a blog using a blog hosting service offered by Google (called Blogger).

We started our class asking very basic questions. What is the internet? How did it start? What is the web? What is a web browser? After discussing these questions, we began to learn about the web browser we're using for our class, Microsoft Internet Explorer (Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Opera are some others).

We also talked about different types of websites, including search engines (Yahoo!, Google, Bing, Ask, etc.), metasearch engines (Dogpile, Clusty, Mamma, Metacrawler, etc.), and ecommerce sites (ebay, craigslist, etc.).

Our last few classes have focused on free email accounts with Google (called Gmail), and creating our own blogs using Blogger. Before we started we talked about what email is (short for electronic mail), and what a blog is (short for weblog).

Email is a type of message transfer, used to send messages through the internet. Email is text heavy; you can send and recieve text messages and documents, and some images.

A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual person, for commentary or news on a particular subject, or as a kind of personal online journal or diary. A blog is both text and image heavy; you can post messages, pictures, and other media on a blog.

This is the blog for our class, I hope you enjoy it, and continue to experiment with your own!
Until next time...


Domingo Payne said...
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Domingo Payne said...
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Domingo Payne said...

After writing your comment, if you not already logged in to your gmail account, make sure you select "Google Account," from the drop down list called "Comment as:" below the area you write in. Then click "Post Comment" and it will direct you to where you can sign in using you gmail username and password.

Domingo Payne said...

After that you will be directed to a "word verification," type in the letters they show you, and click "Post Comment." Whew! Then your done!

TomE said...

Enjoying the class very much, looking forward to
"new vistas" to be open up! You can check out my blog at
See You Tuesday: Tom E.

Linda said...

Blogger is a very interesting program, I like it very much.

Laura said...

I am grateful for your class. And I look forward to the next.

GM said...

This is attempt #2 at posting a comment. Over and out. Gary

TomE said...

This blogging is fun. I just discovered that Microsoft Word does not recognize Blog as a word. It gives me a red underline each time I type it. Rather ironic but it just shows how fast our technology keeps changing!!!!!!!!!!

laverne said...

This seems to be very difficult for me. Your class is great

Liz Corrales said...

How are you?

Domingo Payne said...

This is the greatest class ever!

Liz Corrales said...

How are you?

ady' s life said...

Hi teacher Ihope you receive my coment

yixiang said...

I love this class.

ray said...

than you so much for your help

Maddie said...

I hope to learn something before the class is over. Than U.

thomas said...

five pm i just located my rose blog now i can stop and watch tv tom

Laura said...

I am learning something new every time I come to class

Esther said...

Espero que esta vez si pueda recibir mi correo
gracias por la clase es muy interesante y gracias por su paciencia para todos nosotros.