Monday, November 16, 2009

The Pre-Thanksgiving Class Preview

We have only one more class, this Thursday, November, 19th, and then we'll be off next week because of Thanksgiving break! The next EXT class after this Thursday would be next week, but GUSD will be closed November 25, 26, and 27th. That means that we'll be back December 3rd, for our Exploring The Web class. Here's a tentative preview of what we'll be covering in class this Thursday...

Part 1 - Blogger Review
  • Publishing a post on your blog with an image added.
  • Leaving a comment on one of the latest posts on the class blog, ETW.
  • Adding yourself as a follower of the class blog, ETW, if you haven't already.
  • Leaving a question on the post question area of the class blog, ETW.
  • Answering the poll on the class blog, ETW, if you haven't already.
  • Adding a gadget to your blog, using the Layout.

Part 2 - Yahoo! Mail
  • Signing Up for a Yahoo! Mail email account.
  • Navigating the Yahoo! Mail email environment.
  • Adding your Yahoo! Mail account username to your Google account. 
So, that's the plan. Hopefully, we'll be able to get through it and head into the break well versed in emailing and blogging, and I'll hear from you through an email, and see some you do some blogging. Keep in mind that you can try some of these assignments on your own ahead of time, and then go over them in class; that's a great way to reinforce what you're learning!

Until next time! 

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Images Are Us!

First things first. Our last class was Thursday, November 12th, and unfortunately, we didn't get to Yahoo! Mail as hoped for. Time, as always, went by faster than anticipated, so we saved Yahoo! Mail for the next lesson.

We spent the first part of class reviewing Accounts (Google's and Yahoo!'s), and the various services/products that are available when you sign up for one. We also spent time talking about the account services Picasa Web Albums and Flickr, and how they're integrated and used with Google and Yahoo!. The class then moved on to working on our blogs.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Go Go Gadgets!

Today class, Thursday, November 5, was a very enlightening class! We continued to work on our two main subjects, blogs and email, and we went over a lot of information. I was pleased to see that most the class is already much more comfortable using Gmail, and also navigating and using the class blog (Exploring The Web).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Email Agendas Revisited

Ok, the time has grown short, so let's see if I can't get us up to date in this post, and at least leave a teaser of what's to come! I've been editing the previous posts on our ETW blog, and I've tried to clarify the explanations and step by step examples. It took some time but I hope they're more clear. On to the very recent past, Thursday, October 29th, and the email lessons we've had in class, so here we go...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Email Agendas (Almost)

We've gone through two classes since the last post, classes on Thursday, October 22, and 29, and we are now into the month of November! October went by fast, and we have a lot to learn! We moved away from blogs toward the end of the month, and finished talking primarily about email, but before I get to that...
Here's a Recap...