Saturday, November 14, 2009

Images Are Us!

First things first. Our last class was Thursday, November 12th, and unfortunately, we didn't get to Yahoo! Mail as hoped for. Time, as always, went by faster than anticipated, so we saved Yahoo! Mail for the next lesson.

We spent the first part of class reviewing Accounts (Google's and Yahoo!'s), and the various services/products that are available when you sign up for one. We also spent time talking about the account services Picasa Web Albums and Flickr, and how they're integrated and used with Google and Yahoo!. The class then moved on to working on our blogs.

The first blog assignment was to publish a new post with an image added. For a review of this including adding an image from your computer, refer to the blog post from Tuesday, November 3rd, "Email Agendas (Almost)". During this last class, we focused on publishing a post to our blog with an image added from the internet. Here are the instructions of what we went over in class:

Adding an Image to Your Post (From the Internet)

*After signing-in to your blog from Blogger's sign-in page, left-click the blue "NEW POST" button on your Dashboard. Then open a new tab or a new window by left-clicking "File" in the menu bar of the either the Internet Explorer or Firefox web browser. Left-click either "New Tab", or "New Window", in the menu that appears.

From a new tab or window...

1.) Use Google or Yahoo! to find an image (picture, clipart, etc.) that you want to add to your post.
  • Type a keyword in the Google or Yahoo! search box. (ex. typing the word "roses" to look for images of roses)
  • Left-click the "Images" button, to limit your search to only images of the keyword. (the "Images" button is in the upper-left of Google's search page, and directly above Yahoo!'s search box)
  • Left-click the "Search Images" button on Google's search page, or the "Image Search" button on Yahoo!'s search page.
   2.) Copy the image location of the image that you want to add to your post.    
  •   Right-click on the image that you want and left-click on "Copy Image Location" in the menu that appears.

  • Left-click on the image that you want repeatedly until it is the full-size image, then right-click on the url in the address bar, and left-click on "Copy" in the menu that appears. 
   Left-click on your original tab or window...
 3.) Paste the image location in the url text-box to add it to your post.

  • Back in Blogger's text-editor, left-click anywhere in the text-box.
  • Left-click the "Add Image" button in the upper-right of the text-box.
  • In the window that appears, right-click in the "URL" text-box located under the words "Or add an image from the web". Left-click on "Paste" in the menu that appears.

4.) Position the image where you want it, to add it to your post.

  • Left-click "None", "Left", "Center", or "Right", under the words "Choose a layout" to align your image in your post.
  • Left-click "Small", "Medium", or "Large", under the words "Image size:" to choose the size you want your image to be in your post.  

5.) Publishing your image to add it to your post.

  • Left-click the orange "Upload Image" button in the lower left of the "Upload Images" window.
  • Left-click the blue "Done" button at the bottom left of the "Your image has been added" window.
  • Left-click the "Preview" button in the upper-right above the text-box if you want to preview your post.
  • Left-click the orange "PUBLISH POST" button underneath the text-box in the lower left and your done!
* After you've published your post, you can view it by left-clicking the "View Blog" button.

The second blog assignment was leaving a comment on one of the posts from the class blog, "Exploring The Web". Repeated here, leaving comments is usually done by left-clicking on the word "comments", accessed at the bottom of each post in a blog. After left-clicking, a text-box will appear where you can write your comment. If you're already signed in to your Google account, you will usually be asked to type a verification word. If you are not already signed in, you will be taken to Google's sign in page first.

The next class will continue our blog work. We will review adding images to posts, using gadgets, and leaving comments.Also, we will move into setting up Yahoo! accounts!

Until next time!