Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Email Agendas Revisited

Ok, the time has grown short, so let's see if I can't get us up to date in this post, and at least leave a teaser of what's to come! I've been editing the previous posts on our ETW blog, and I've tried to clarify the explanations and step by step examples. It took some time but I hope they're more clear. On to the very recent past, Thursday, October 29th, and the email lessons we've had in class, so here we go...

Emailing With Gmail:

The Inbox -
This is the first area you see after signing in to your Gmail account. It is where you recieve all of your incoming email.
  • Selecting emails: Left-click in the small box next to the email sender name, along the left side of the Inbox under "Select", placing a check mark in the box and selecting that email for editing.
  • Selecting all emails: Left-click the "All" button next to Select in order to place a check mark next to all emails in the Inbox, and selecting them all for editing.
  • Archiving emails: Left-click the "Archive" button in the upper left corner of the Inbox in order to move any selected emails out of the Inbox but save them.
  • Spamming emails: Left-click the "Report spam" button in the upper left next to the Archive button in order to report any selected emails as spam.
  • Deleting emails: Left-click the "Delete" button next to the Report spam button in order to delete any selected emails from the Inbox.
  • Opening emails: Left-click on the name of a person who sent an email from the list of emails in your Inbox in order to open it.

Replying To Emails
  • After opening and reading an email, left-click the "Reply" button located at both the upper right and bottom left corners of the email message screen.
  • Write your reply message in the text-editor where the blinking cursor is.
  • Left-click the "Send" button located in the bottom left corner of the email message reply screen.

Working With Labels -

Gmail organizes emails using a system called Labels, instead of folders. You can attach a label to an email, and it will be grouped with all emails that share that label. One advantage to labels is that an email can have multiple labels, where normally, an email could only go in one folder.
  • Applying Labels to emails: Left-click the "Labels" button at the top center of the Inbox, and check one of the boxes next to a Label name in the drop-down menu, in order to apply that Label to any selected email.
  • Creating new Labels: Left-click the "Labels" button at the top center of the Inbox and then left-click "Create new" at the bottom of the drop-down menu. Type a name for your label in the "New Label" window that appears. Left-click the "OK" button.
  • Moving emails: Left-click the "Move to" button located next to the Labels button. Left-click on one of the Label names, in order to move any selected emails from the Inbox or a Label, to the Label selected.

Adding Contacts To Gmail -

  • Left-click on the "Contacts" button on the lower left.
  • Left-click on one of the Groups provided (My Contacts, Friends, Family, Coworkers), or add a new group by left-clicking the "New Group" button in the upper left of the contacts screen.
  • Left-click on the "New Contact" button in the upper left of the contacts screen.
  • Type the name, email address, and any other information that you have into the boxes provided in the contact information area.
  • Left-click the "Save" button located above the contact information area.

Composing Email

Selecting contacts to receive your email:
  • Left-click the "Compose Mail" button in the upper left and directly under the Gmail logo.
  • Select a person to send your email message to by left-clicking the underlined "To:" button in the upper left of the compose mail screen.
  • When the "Choose from contacts" window appears, select a group of contacts by left-clicking the arrow at the right of the contact group list, and left-clicking a group.
  • In the contact group box, left-click on the contacts you want to receive your email message, or left-click the "All" button to select all the contacts in that group.
  • Left-click the "Done" button at the bottom right of the "Choose from contacts" window.
Entering a subject:
  • In the "Subject:" box, type a subject name for your email message.
Entering and editing your email message:
  • In the email message text-box, type a message.
  • Left-click on the editing buttons located in the toolbar above the text-box, in order to edit your email message.*
  • Left-click the "Send" button located in the bottom left corner of the email message text-box.

*To review the editing buttons, please refer to the blog post for Tuesday, October 20, The Blog Posting Past and The Upcoming Email Agenda. Specifically, read the section titled, "The Text-Editor's Editing Buttons", as most of the editing buttons of Blogger's text-editor are the same as Gmail's text-editor.)

On to November 5th's class! A preview for now is one word...Picasa!

1 comment:

Liz Corrales said...

We had nice weather today.