Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Email Agendas (Almost)

We've gone through two classes since the last post, classes on Thursday, October 22, and 29, and we are now into the month of November! October went by fast, and we have a lot to learn! We moved away from blogs toward the end of the month, and finished talking primarily about email, but before I get to that...
Here's a Recap...

Adding an Image to a Blog Post:
Here are instructions to adding images (pictures etc.) to blog posts...

(Keep in mind that adding images to posts, is not the same as adding images (pictures etc.) to other parts of your blog. When you add images to posts, they will move down the post area when you add new posts.)

Adding an image from your computer...

  • > In Blogger's text-editor, under the "Posting" tab, left-click anywhere in the text-box.
  • > Left-click the "Add Image" button in the upper right of the text-box. (It is the third to last button.)
  • > In the window that appears, left-click the "Browse" button located under the words "Add an image from your computer".
  • > Left-click on an image (picture etc.) from your computer to select it, then left-click "Open" in the lower right of the "File Upload" box.
  • > Left-click "None", "Left", "Center", or "Right", under "Choose a layout." to align your image.
  • > Left-click "Small", "Medium", or "Large", under "Image size:" to choose the size you want your image.
  • > Left-click the orange "Upload Image" button in the lower left of the "Upload Images" box.
  • > Left-click the blue "Done" button at the bottom left of the "Your image has been added" box.
  • > Left-click the orange "PUBLISH POST" button underneath the text-box in the lower left and your done!

Adding an image from the internet...

  • > Find an image (picture, clipart, etc.) on the internet that you would like to use and is not copywrite protected.
  • > Right-click on the image you want and left-click on "Copy Image Location" in the menu that appears.
  • > Back in Blogger's text-editor, under the "Posting" tab, left-click anywhere in the text-box.
  • > Left-click the "Add Image" button in the upper right of the text-box. (It is the third to last button.)
  • > In the window that appears, right-click in the "URL" box located under the words "Or add an image from the web". Left-click on "Paste" in the menu that appears.
  • > Left-click "None", "Left", "Center", or "Right", under "Choose a layout." to align your image.
  • > Left-click "Small", "Medium", or "Large", under "Image size:" to choose the size you want your image.
  • > Left-click the orange "Upload Image" button in the lower left of the "Upload Images" box.
  • > Left-click the blue "Done" button at the bottom left of the "Your image has been added" box.
  • > Left-click the orange "PUBLISH POST" button underneath the text-box in the lower left and your done!

Next post I'll get to what we learned on email. In particular Google's email service (Gmail). Until then...


sombatlikescamping said...

hi domingo . you are teacher very good .i hope you happy with teach them.

sombatlikescamping said...

good morning domingo . today is thusday november 19 th 2009. how are you today .i hope you happy everryday.and teah computer class.bye